Inaugural Address
"Through the Looking Glass: The AADR and the Wow of Science"
J Dent Res 99(12): 1318-1320, 2020
- Professor and Director, University of Minnesota School of Dentistry
- B.A (Literature) The State University College, Oneonta, NY 9 (1964-67)
- M.S. (English Education) The City College of New York, Graduate School of Education (1967-69)
- D.D.S. New York University, The Brookdale Dental Center (1969-1973)
- Ph.D., The State University of New York at Buffalo, Graduate School, Department of Oral Biology (1973-78)
- Specialty Certificate, The State University of New York at Buffalo, School of Dentistry, Department of Postgraduate Periodontics (1973-78)