
AADOCR Hatton Competition

The American Association for Dental, Oral & Craniofacial Research (AADOCR) is entitled to send qualified individuals to compete in the IADR Hatton Competition and Awards. These individuals will be selected on the basis of an oral presentation competition to be held at the IADR General Session & Exhibition. The 6 winners for the AADOCR Hatton Competition will go on to compete in the IADR Hatton Competition in at the 2025 IADR/PER General Session & Exhibition in Barcelona, Spain.

The competition is designed for junior investigators (junior, senior and post-doctoral) who exhibit potential for a productive career in dental research. Mentors are strongly urged to support and select a project for the competition that is original, well-planned, and carefully executed. Mentors are also urged to ensure that the correct Category for Competition is selected.

Award Prize/Recognition
  • $1000 first place winners (one in each category)
  • $500 second place winners (one in each category)
Key Dates

Applications Open:

Jul 08, 2024

Applications Closed:

Oct 22, 2024

  • MUST be AADOCR members
  • Entrants cannot have won previously in the same category

2024 Recipients:

Junior Category – Second Place

Cathy Tran 
Engineered Small Extra-Cellular Vesicles for Endogenous Mesenchymal Stem Cells Recruitment and in situ Periodontal Tissue Regeneration

Dental College of Georgia at Augusta University

Junior- Cathy Tran
Junior Category – First Place

Jeremie Oliver Piña

Spatial Multiomics Reveal Pax9-dependent Wnt Signaling Fine Tunes Palatal Osteogenesis

University of Maryland at Baltimore

Jeremie Oliver Piña
Senior Category – Second Place

Bridgette Wellslager

Porphyromonas gingivalis Induces Anti-Oxidative Heat-Shock-Protein27-Mediated Complex-Assembly to Promote Pro-Bacterial Autophagy

Medical University of South Carolina, Charleston 

Senior Category – First Place

Shawn Hallett 

Deletion of Runx2 in Cranial Base Chondrocytes Causes Midfacial Hypoplasia

University of Michigan, Ann Arbor

Post-doctoral Category – Second Place

Brianyell McDaniel Mims

Porphyromonas gingivalis Modulates Brain-Microvascular-Endothelial-Cells’ Metabolism for Intracellular Invasion and Growth

Medical University of South Carolina, Charleston

Brianyell McDaniel Mims
Post-doctoral Category – First Place

Marshall Padilla 

mRNA Lipid Nanoparticles For Next-Generation Oral Cancer Tumor Suppressor Therapy

University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia

Post Doc- Marshall Padilla

Questions about the award?

Beatrice Nguyen

Awards, Fellowships and Grants Coordinator

Email me