
Best Local Student Research Group Newsletter

Every year the NSRG Board selects one newsletter from those submitted to receive the award for Best LSRG Newsletter. Applications are on a calendar year and the newsletter must be dated before December 31.  Awards are presented at the AADOCR Annual Meeting and include a cash prize of $100.

Award Prize/Recognition


Key Dates

Applications Open:

Aug 01, 2024

Applications Closed:

Nov 30, 2024

  • Newsletters should be mostly written by students and include NSRG logo.
  • Newsletter must be dated before December 31.
  • Print and electronic newsletters are eligible.
Nominate your LSRG:
Beyond Perception Newsletter cover image
2023 Recipient

University of Puerto Rico School of Dental Medicine: 2023 Fall Newsletter

San Juan, Puerto Rico

UNC Pulp Non Fiction
2022 Recipient

UNC Adams School of Dentistry

Chapel Hill, NY, US

Jarvie Fall Newsletter Cover
2021 Recipient

William Jarvie Research Society - 2020 Fall Newsletter

Columbia University, New York, NY, US

Submit newsletters for Consideration to:

Sherry Nipas-Hart

Digital Content Coordinator

Email me