Position Descriptions

NSRG Member-at-Large & Regional Representative Candidacy
Any active student member of IADR/AADOCR must have renewed their membership or joined prior to April 18, 2025, to be eligible to run. Student members must be enrolled or affiliated with a U.S.-based dental school or institution in order to run. All information submitted on the candidacy form should be carefully PROOFREAD. The information you submit will not be re-typed and will be provided to the board exactly as you submit it. The NSRG Nominating Committee will review all nominees at the conclusion of the candidacy period. The NSRG board will then select the individuals for each position from the candidate submissions. Up to two regional representatives will be selected for each region.
Application Deadline: April 18, 2025

NSRG Outstanding Regional Representative Award
Since 2019, the AADOCR National Student Research Group (NSRG) initiated the NSRG Outstanding Regional Representative Award. This award was established in order to provide national recognition for outstanding regional representatives, who have demonstrated strong leadership skills and are actively involved in recruiting student members and strengthening the connections between National Student Research Group and local Student Research Groups. NSRG board members will select recipients among regional representatives and will announce recipients during NSRG awards ceremony during AADOCR or IADR meeting each year.