The name of this organization shall be “The American Association for Dental Research Student Research Group”, hereafter referred to in this document as “NSRG”. It is affiliated with the American Association for Dental, Oral, and Craniofacial Research, hereafter known as “AADOCR.” The AADOCR is affiliated with the International Association for Dental Research, hereafter referred to as “IADR”.
- To promote student research in dentistry and its related disciplines.
- To promote the advancement of dental research and related aspects.
- To further the stated aims and objectives of the AADOCR and the IADR as they relate to student research.
One, and only one, NSRG Chapter shall exist at a dental school. This group shall include students of that institution and any closely related institution which does not have a local SRG Group. Members of the local NSRG Group must be members of the AADOCR.
Section 1. Eligibility: Any student who is interested in dental and related research shall be eligible for membership in the NSRG.
Section 2. Application: Individuals may join the NSRG by completion of a current AADOCR membership application form and payment of the appropriate dues.
Section 1. Officers: The Officers of the group shall be , President, Vice-president, Secretary, Councilor, Graduate Student Representative, Immediate Past President , President-elect, Vice-president-elect, Secretary-elect, Councilor-elect, and Graduate Student Representative-elect.
Section 2. Term of Office: The term of office shall be for one year. Officers may serve more than one term.
Section 3 Qualifications: All Officers must be members of the AADOCR and the SRG.
Section 4. Succession Plan
- In the event that the President is unable to perform his/her duties or is removed from office, the Vice-president will replace the President.
- In the event that the Vice-president is unable to perform his/her duties, is removed from office, or assumes the role of President, the Councilor will replace the Vice-president.
- In the event that the Councilor is unable to perform his/her duties, is removed from office, or assumes the role of Vice-president, the Councilor will be replaced by appointment of one of the Members-at-Large. This appointment will consist of a simple majority vote of the remainder of the current Board of Directors. A new Member-at-Large will be selected under the provisions of Article VII. Section 2 of the Constitution.
- In the event that the Secretary is unable to perform his/her duties or is removed from office, the Secretary will be replaced by appointment of one of the Members-at-Large. This appointment will consist of a simple majority vote of the remainder of the current Board of Directors. A new Member-at-Large will be selected under the provisions of Article VII. Section 2 of the Constitution.
- In the event that President-elect is unable to perform his/her duties or is removed from office, the Vice-president-elect will replace the President-elect.
- In the event that Vice-president-elect is unable to perform his/her duties, is removed from office, or assumes the role of President-elect, the Councilor-elect will replace the Vice-president-elect.
- In the event that the Councilor-elect is unable to perform his/her duties, is removed from office, or assumes the role of Vice-president-elect, the Councilor-elect will be replaced by appointment of one of the Members-at-Large. This appointment will consist of a simple majority vote of the current Board of Directors. A new Member-at-Large will be selected under the provisions of Article VII. Section 2 of the Constitution.
- In the event that either Member-at-Large is unable to perform the duties of Councilor-elect because they no longer will be considered a student member when the term is complete, the Councilor-elect will then be replaced by the candidate who received the next highest votes in the election for Councilor, who is willing and able to perform the stated duties of office.
- In the event that the Secretary-elect is unable to perform his/her duties or is removed from office, the Secretary-elect will be replaced by appointment of one of the Members-at-Large. This appointment will consist of a simple majority vote of the current Board of Directors. A new Member-at-Large will be selected under the provisions of Article VII. Section 2 of the Constitution.
- In the event that either Member-at-Large is unable to perform the duties of Secretary-elect because they no longer will be considered a student member when the term is complete, the Secretary-elect will then be replaced the candidate who received the next highest votes in the election for Secretary, who is willing and able to perform the stated duties of office.
- In the event that the Immediate Past President is unable to perform his/her duties or is removed from office, the President will fulfill the duties of the Immediate Past President.
- In the event that the Graduate Student Representative is unable to perform his/her duties or is removed from office, the Graduate Student Representative will be replaced by appointment of one of the Members-at-Large. This appointment will consist of a simple majority vote of the remainder of the current Board of Directors. A new Member-at-Large will be selected under the provisions of Article VII. Section 2 of the Constitution.
- In the event that the Graduate Student Representative-elect is unable to perform his/her duties or is removed from office, the Graduate Student Representative will be replaced by appointment of one of the Members-at-Large. This appointment will consist of a simple majority vote of the remainder of the current Board of Directors. A new Member-at-Large will be selected under the provisions of Article VII. Section 2 of the Constitution.
Section 5. Removal of an Officer/Officer-elect: An officer may be removed from office by a simple majority vote of both the current Board members and the Officer-elect members because of that Officer’s/Officer-elect’s failure to fulfill the duties of their stated office, including but not limited to failure to attend Board meetings. In the event of removal from office, the Officer/Officer-elect will be replaced as stated in Article V, Section 4.
Eligibility: an officer elect must have no less than two years remaining in their respective training program and as an eligible student member of AADOCR (as defined in the AADOCR constitution) in order to be considered for election-one year to serve as officer-elect and a second year to serve as officer. President-elect must have a remaining two years as a student and must be an AADOCR member for an additional third year as immediate past president. The Graduate Student Representative-elect must be a student enrolled in a PhD or Master's program: pre-candidate PhD student, candidate PhD student, non-clinical master's students, residents who are perusing a master's as part of their specialty training, and DDS/PhD or DMD/PhD students, with no less than 2 years left in their program.
Section 1. Nominations: Nominations for any office shall be made by any member of the group. The nominee should be in good standing as a member of the NSRG of the AADOCR.
Section 2. Officer Elections: Officers shall be elected a minimum of six months before their term actually begins. Each Officer will be termed “Officer-elect” until the Officer’s term begins.
Section 3. Elections: Elections shall be by secret ballot from the entire NSRG membership. The candidate who receives a simple majority will be elected to office.
Section 4. Eligibility: An Officer-elect must have no less than two years remaining in their respective training program and as an eligible student member of AADOCR (as defined in the AADOCR Constitution) in order to be considered for election-one year to serve as officer-elect and a second year to serve as officer.
Board of Directors: There shall be a governing body known as the NSRG Board of Directors which shall consist of the President, Vice-president, Councilor, Secretary, Immediate Past President, Graduate Student Representative, Officers-elect of the NSRG, two Members-at-Large (see Article VII. Section 2) and one Advocacy Representative (See Article VII., Section 3).
Members-at-Large: Two student members shall be selected to serve on the Board of Directors as Members- at-Large. These members will be selected by the current officers to serve a one-year term beginning when the new Board of Directors commences office. These members will most likely be chosen from:
- schools under-represented in national NSRG activities and
- the school where the next NSRG business meeting is to be held.
Advocacy Representative: The Gert Quigley Government Affairs Fellow shall serve on the Board of Directors as Advocacy Representative.
The NSRG shall hold at least one meeting annually in conjunction with the Annual Meeting of the AADOCR.
Any proposed amendments to the Constitution must be presented in writing at an Annual Meeting. Proposed amendments may be presented by the Executive Committee or in the form of a petition signed by 25 SRG members and submitted to the IADR/AADOCR Executive Director at least 60 days prior to the Annual Meeting. A proposed amendment to the Constitution shall be mailed to all members at least 30 days prior to the Annual Meeting, and shall be adopted by at least a two-thirds’ majority vote of all members present at the Annual Meeting.
Any proposed amendments to the Bylaws must be presented in writing at an Annual Meeting. A proposed amendment to the Bylaws shall be adopted by at least a two-thirds’ majority vote of members present at the Annual Meeting.
Eligibility: Eligibility of student members as listed in Section A.2.(C) of the IADR Bylaws shall be the basis for membership in the NSRG. Each eligible student shall have one vote in the NSRG.
Installation: At the annual meeting of the NSRG, an appropriate ceremony of installation shall inaugurate the term of service of each officer.
President: It is the duty of the President- To provide effective leadership in achieving the NSRG’s purposes.
- To preside over the annual NSRG business meeting
To serve as the NSRG’s official representative to the other organizations.
- To attend every officer meeting.
- Vice-president: It is the duty of the Vice-president
- To serve in place of the President at the request or absence of the President.
- To assist the President in providing effective leadership for the NSRG organization.
- To perform any duties requested by the President.
- To attend every officer meeting.
Councilor: It is the duty of the Councilor
- To represent the NSRG at the Council of the AADOCR.
- To determine, with the NSRG Officers, issues to take to the AADOCR Council and to report to the NSRG on the actions of the AADOCR Council.
- To serve in the place of the Vice-president in the event that the Vice-president becomes President.
- To attend every officer meeting.
Secretary: It is the duty of the Secretary
- To keep accurate and up-to-date notes of all proceedings at the annual NSRG business meeting.
- To provide clerical assistance to the President.
- To attend every officer meeting.
Immediate Past President: It is the duty of the Immediate Past President
- To provide guidance to President in achieving the NSRG’s purposes.
- To assist the President in providing effective leadership for the NSRG organization
- To perform any duties requested by the President
- To attend every officer meeting.
Graduate Student Representative: It is the duty of the Graduate Student Representative- To recruit graduate student members to the NSRG
- To identify and find solutions to challenges faced by graduate students when joining AADOCR and NSRG
- To perform any duties requested by the President
- To attend every officer meeting.
President-elect: It is the duty of the President-elect
- To perform any duties requested by the President.
- The President-elect will succeed the President.
- To attend every officer meeting.
Vice-president-elect: It is the duty of the Vice-president-elect
- To assist the Vice-president in leadership duties for the NSRG.
- To serve in place of the Vice-president at the request or absence of the Vice-president.
- The Vice-president-elect will succeed the Vice-president.
- To attend every officer meeting.
Councilor-elect: It is the duty of the Councilor-elect
- To assist the Councilor in duties for the NSRG.
- To serve in place of the Councilor at the request or absence of the Councilor.
- The Councilor-elect will succeed the Councilor.
- To serve in the place of the Vice-president-elect in the event that the Vice-president-elect becomes President-elect.
- To attend every officer meeting.
Secretary-elect: It is the duty of the Secretary-elect
- To assist the Secretary in the clerical duties of the NSRG.
- To serve in place of the Secretary at the request or absence of the Secretary.
- The Secretary-elect will succeed the Secretary.
- To attend every officer meeting.
Graduate Student Representative-elect: It is the duty of the Graduate Student Representative-elect
- To assist Graduate Student Representative in recruiting graduate student members to the NSRG.
- To assist Graduate Student Representative in identifying and finding solutions to challenges faced by graduate students when joining.
- The Graduate Student Representative-elect will succeed the Graduate Student Representative.
- To perform any duties requested by the President.
- To attend every officer meeting.
Advocacy Representative: It is the duty of the Advocacy Representative
- To serve as the liaison between the Board of Directors and the AADOCR Government Affairs Committee.
- To lead the Board in its activities to engage students in advocacy and government affairs during the term of office of the Advocacy Representative, e.g. participate in and chair committees, inform students of government affairs issues, plan events to raise awareness engagement.
- To attend every officer meeting.
Members-at-Large: It is the duty of the Members-at-Large
- To represent the membership, as a whole, in matters before the Board of Directors.
- To assist the Board in its activities during the term of office of the Members-at-Large, e.g. participate in and chair committees.
- To serve in the place of the Councilor or Secretary in the event that the office becomes vacant, as outlined in Article V. Section 4. Succession Plan of the Constitution.
- If he/she continues to fulfill the requirements of student membership, the Member(s)-at-Large may be appointed to serve in the place of the Councilor-elect or Secretary-elect in the event that the office becomes vacant, as outlined in Article V. Section 4. Succession Plan of the Constitution.
- To attend every officer meeting.
- Appointments to standing and ad hoc committees shall be made by the President.
- Standing Committees: The following standing committees shall be appointed:
The Constitution Committee shall consist of the Executive Committee to review the Constitution and Bylaws, advise the NSRG regarding revisions, monitor compliance of the activities of the NSRG regarding revisions, and monitor compliance of the activities of the NSRG in regard to the Constitution.
The Nominating Committee to advise the NSRG on the selection of nominees for various offices and to recommend committee members to the President. Officers will be elected by simple majority.
The Science Award Committee shall be responsible for the operation of the Student Research Competition at the Annual Meeting. The number of members will be determined by the President.
The NSRG’s annual business meeting shall be held in conjunction with the AADOCR Annual Meeting.
RULES OF ORDER: The NSRG’s annual meeting shall be conducted according to Robert’s Rules of Order -
In this Constitution & Bylaws, “mail” is understood to mean any form of communication from the Association to the members, including traditional mail and electronic mail.