
AADOCR Call For Nominations

AADOCR is seeking nominees for the positions of AADOCR Vice-president and AADOCR Representative to the IADR/AADOCR Publications Committee. Any AADOCR member may nominate an individual, or you may self-nominate for these positions. Submissions must be received by August 1, 2024.     

AADOCR is seeking nominees for the following positions:

AADOCR Vice President, 2026-2027
AADOCR Representative to the IADR/AADOCR Publications Committee, 2026-2029

Self-nominations are encouraged for these positions. Submissions must be received by August 1, 2024 and include the information below:   

(1) Application (2 Pages) should include the candidate’s name and a concise list of past AADOCR activities. For Vice-president, evidence of leadership positions should be included.  For the Publications Committee, evidence of roles on journal boards and reviews should be provided.  Profile (abstracted from biosketch) should include h-index, scientific activities and roles, and link to a full list of publications (or Google Scholar profile).

(2) A letter of recommendation (1 Page) must be included.  It may not be submitted by AADOCR Nominating Committee members (View Committee) or someone with a personal relationship with the candidate (such as a current or former spouse, or a close family member). 

Confirmation will be sent to the email provided with the submission. 

Nominations typically remain in the pool for 3 years with the nominee’s permission.  Several names are selected for submission by the Nominating Committee (fall) to the AADOCR Board from which final candidates are selected (winter) for submission for final approval by the AADOCR Council (spring) before standing for election by the AADOCR membership.

All nominees agree to abide by the AADOCR Policy on Nominations.

Application Requirements

Documents for Nomination
Content to Include
Vice President
AADOCR Representative to the IADR/AADOCR Publications Committee
Treasurer (Not open for 2024)
Candidate Statement
  • Name
  • Past AADOCR Activities
  • Leadership Evidence
  • h-index
  • Scientific Profile
  • Link to Publications List
  • Evidence of Journal Boards and Reviews (for the Publications Committee Representative)
2 Pages1 Page2 Pages
Letter of RecommendationReason for Consideration1 Page1 Page1 Page


Nomination Form

Submit Nomination

AADOCR Constitution & Bylaws

View Constitution & Bylaws

AADOCR is seeking nominees for the position of AADOCR Vice President (2026-2027) and AADOCR Representative to the IADR/AADOCR Publications Committee (2026-2029).  Any AADOCR member may nominate individuals or you may self-nominate for this position. Submissions must be received by August 1, 2024.

Submitter Name Email


  • Individuals submitted for candidacy will be reviewed by the AADOCR Nominating Committee. The committee will then submit a list of candidates to the AADOCR Board Operations Committee. Candidates will be selected by the AADOCR Board Operations Committee, reviewed by the AADOCR Board of Directors, and approved by Council to appear on the ballot for the AADOCR Election in Fall 2025, with final approval from AADOCR Council during the 2026 IADR/AADOCR/CADR General Session & Exhibition in San Diego, CA.
Candidate First Name Candidate Last Name Candidate Email Candidate h-index number

A candidate biosketch (2 pages) and a letter of recommendation (1 Page) are required and should be uploaded above. A complete curriculum vitae should not be submitted for the candidate.

If you nominate a candidate other than yourself, please make sure the candidate has accepted the nomination prior to submission.


Questions about your nomination?

Riana Hays

Component Relations Coordinator

Email me